Create your account
Start your journey with MyHabeats in a few steps. Simply register with your email address. Want to sign up with your Facebook or Google account? MyHabeats helps you stay connected.
Build your profile
We want to know more about you! Build your profile step-by-step, with a user-friendly question approach. Control every detail to gain the most out of using MyHabeats.
Virtual coaching
In this new, healthy habits conquering journey, users have a companion to guide, advise and support them. Users get to choose their digital companion, Lino or Lina, to join them in their journey with MyHabeats.
Stats & Graphs
Track visually your journey with MyHabeats. Your time on each stage, your earned points, your meals and feelings have now become easier to monitor!
exclusive library
A library with important information is available to our users. Just tap on the topic you want to know more about. Structured, easy to go through and constantly updated to meet your needs!
Invite a buddy who needs MyHabeats, share your stories with other Habeateers and support each other. We make your journey easier by getting you connected with those who understand you.
We believe that healthcare is a people business in need of technology, not a technology business in need of people.
Stage 1 Explained